Two Political Issues for the Rubber Room


UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
1. Saddam Rashaan Salaam Hussein was sentenced to be hung.


What is this 1850? Why not just chop his head off while we're at it and crucify him. It would make great jerk off material for most on this board.

Seriously.....hung. The Bush is giving his speech saying how it is a great day. This is the leader of the civilized free world, saying its a great day to hang someone. No matter how civilized and all that BS and no matter how many plasma TVs we make, we are still out hanging people. 2 for 1 pitchforks and torches on sale now.

I bet you could sell that rope on ebay for a shit ton of money when its over.

2. Obama for President?

Does this fuckin guy have a death wish? If I was black, I wouldnt want to be the first black president, unless I was suicidal. This guy is obviously ready to take one for the team. Not only that. But am I the only one who realizes this guys name rhymes with OSAMA. Fuck, a black guy that reminds people of 9/11. Right now, some crazy fanatic white guy like is probably out planning his aliby with magic bullets and grassy knolls.

Over/under 3 days alive while in office. Sad but true.

The only way he wouldnt get shot, was if his Vice President was Rich Kotite, or Jim Mora. Nobody even wants that guy to coach their football team, much less lead the world. PLAYOFFS??? PLAYOFFS???? We're having a hard time getting our missiles to not hit innocnet children in the wrong country. Playoffs.....

I would vote for Obama for 2 reasons:

1. I'd like to see a black man in office one day. And I think he is a great candidate to do it.

2. I'd like to see someone get shot live on national tv, i've never seen anyone get shot for real, live before. For this reason, I have my TiVo subscribed to all c-span presidential press conferences for the next 6 years.

Slayer Out

Feb 24, 2005
u must be too young Boxslayer, Lee Harvey Oswald was shot on live tv. totally friggin unreal. "hey mom, somebody just shot lhoswald on tv!

I'm all about low expectations
Feb 3, 2006
hang sadaam, that's it?!?! fuck that, i say have Obama ass-rape that mother ****** first (would do wonders for his campaign also), then castrate the sob, chop off some shit, THEN MAYBE we can talk about hanging that asshole...

this guy is all for it :pope:

New member
Oct 20, 2002
Does this fuckin guy have a death wish? If I was black, I wouldnt want to be the first black president, unless I was suicidal. This guy is obviously ready to take one for the team. Not only that. But am I the only one who realizes this guys name rhymes with OSAMA. Fuck, a black guy that reminds people of 9/11. Right now, some crazy fanatic white guy like is probably out planning his aliby with magic bullets and grassy knoll


Rx Post Doc
Feb 8, 2005
Let's just assume that you are not arguing the guy should be executed as that is a whole topic unto itself:

Boxslayer, what way would you propose to execute him? I, for one, believe strongly that if we are to execute someone we do it as humanely as possible (as odd as that sounds.) Is hanging not the best way? What? Firing squad? There is no really great way to kill people and have it be a nice thing.


UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
Yeah, but you'd think in the year 2006 we'd come up with a better way to do it. Hanging people is pretty old school. At least if you're gonna hang him add a new twist to it. Like I'm sure that guy hasnt shaved his public hair since birth, so make some rope out of that and do it. Humiliate him while we're at it, and kill him with his own "body parts". Maybe ripping off his arms and beating him senseless with them.

Electricute him, inject him, drop a plasma on his dome from a 10 story window, tazer him until he goes into shock, show him Phil Fulmer naked -- anything to show that we have advanced as a human race from hanging people, beheading people, firing squad, crucifying people. I mean we havent come up with anything new in all of these years? We're STILL hanging people? That's the best thing we've come up with?

I mean, are they gonna make a spectacle out of this like in the old days? Pitch forks, torches, lots of chanting. If we are.....While we're on the subject of Fulmer, Neyland Stadium holds over 100,000 people. It could be a fund raiser for Iraq's new government. Or at least a fund raiser to get some of the money back from all of the bombs we wasted on him. Those things arent cheap.

Put that fuckin thing on Pay-Per-View and we'll probably come out of our national debt overnight. I'd drop 60 bucks to watch him get hung, shit i dropped 60 bucks to watch the Gators put an ass kicking on UCF. People pay it. I used to pay 60 bucks to watch the Earthquake teabag Hulk Hogan.

Maybe a reenactment of Braveheart and behead his ass. Dress him up in a plaid skirt, put it in an open field, free open admission, maybe have Woodstock 2006 right after it - maybe make his head a symbol of peace and love. I'm sure All-State would love to have their Hands Advertisement right on the surface of the blade. I have to look at it every time somebody kicks a fuckin field goal now. Might as well ruin my life forever.

Rx Realist
Dec 21, 2003
Box, Mr. Obama will never be president. Not only is he black but his middle name is............................................................. Hussein.

Karl Rove is creaming in his pants (no homo) over Barack Obama running with that information.

By the way, I think hanging is kinda gangsta. Wouldnt like to go out with this?

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
Ironman_8 said:
Box, Mr. Obama will never be president. Not only is he black but his middle name is............................................................. Hussein.

Karl Rove is creaming in his pants (no homo) over Barack Obama running with that information.

By the way, I think hanging is kinda gangsta. Wouldnt like to go out with this?

No way his middle name is Hussein????? Was that a joke???

I do think a black man, or even a black woman, such as Condaleeza Rice, could be president one day.

Now with that line, I'm sure all sorts of crazy political psychos will be in here "oh conaleeza did this and that and no way and this and that" and they can all fuck off...this isnt gonna turn into a US Policy in Iraq thread

White people born in this generation of this generation, never experienced Jim Crow, segregation, etc. They have no animosity towards blacks as a group, no crazy memories. Granted, you'll always have fanatics of any race, and racists in every race, but I'll argue until blue in the face that if the younger generation gets out and votes, a black candidate can win. But, if they dont vote, and you have all of the old people voting, I dont think they can win yet.

The key to a black person winning would probably be to let more of these hardcore old white people die off who still have memories of all of that.

So give it 20 years, maybe in 5 more elections.

Not if your name is Barack Hussein Obama though. Thats gotta hurt.

Rx Realist
Dec 21, 2003
Box it wasnt a joke look it up:

Barack Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii to Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. of Nyangoma-Kogelo, Kenya, and Ann Dunham of Wichita, Kansas. His parents met while both were attending the East-West Center of the University of Hawaii at Manoa, where his father was enrolled as a foreign student. In his 1995 memoir, Dreams from My Father, Obama describes a nearly race-blind early childhood. He writes: "That my father looked nothing like the people around me – that he was black as pitch, my mother white as milk – barely registered in my mind."

Youre right about some of the whites maybe giving Barack a break. I'm worried about the blacks giving him a shot.
Here's an article from Stanley Crouch, who can give your man Willie McGee a run for his money as far as being ugly, basically saying that because his lineage isnt the same as most blacks in america that Mr. Obama cant relate to us. *SMH*

PS. Sorry for Non-RRooming this thread

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
stanley crouch is an unattractive man

with that in mind, its time for me to go to the gym

Sep 20, 2004
Saddam asked that he be shot by firing squad over hanging...remember this is normal over there.

New member
Oct 20, 2002
Yeah, but you'd think in the year 2006 we'd come up with a better way to do it. Hanging people is pretty old school. At least if you're gonna hang him add a new twist to it. Like I'm sure that guy hasnt shaved his public hair since birth, so make some rope out of that and do it. Humiliate him while we're at it, and kill him with his own "body parts". Maybe ripping off his arms and beating him senseless with them.

I would love to watch this on payper view (public execution)

That settles it...It's WED/DAY
Sep 21, 2004
Kinda surprised by the hanging too. I was thinking injection but hanging??

I agree we should humilate him first. Maybe tie a brick to his nuts and have someone toss the brick over the ledge. Maybe even have George Bush give him a facial.

This thread really should be in the political room, mother ******!
Actually I could care less. Gotta love people who complain where a thread should be put.

BTW Condeleeza is a gapped tooth liar. That ho will never be president. Get off the crack. :smoker2:

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